The Gender and Armed Violence Working Group investigates gender aspects of armed violence in order to shape policy and programming. Its aim is to promote armed violence reduction and prevention (AVRP) that is gender responsive and in which women and men are equally engaged as partners.

  • Strengthen collaboration among practitioners working across different areas of armed violence reduction, gender, and conflict prevention and transformation.
  • Develop a policy and programme briefing notes to tackle gender-based armed violence challenges.
  • Explore ways to address armed violence via policy on the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, such as National Action Plans (NAPs) on UNSCR 1325.
  • Find ways to address the continuum of violence against women, from conflict-related sexual violence to post-conflict armed violence against women, via policy on the WPS agenda.  
  • Promote strategies to increase women’s equal participation in AVRP and gender mainstreaming in policy and programmes to reduce armed violence.
  • Explore best practice to tackle negative masculinities which perpetuate armed violence and gender-based violence against women. 
  • E-discussions and webinars.
    • Online discussions and webinars will spotlight best practice and support dialogue for developing working group outputs.
  • Workshops for consultation and dialogue:
    • Workshops will provide space for working group members and others to interact on regional to national level gender & armed violence challenges and explore solutions.
  • Develop policy and programme briefing notes:
I)   A policy brief linking the WPS agenda and AVR efforts. 
II)  Programme briefing note on tackling negative masculinities which perpetuate armed violence and gender-based violence against women


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