GAAV disseminates best practice and provides a united voice for actors working to prevent and reduce armed violence worldwide. Internally, GAAV’s communication is channelled through working groups focusing on thematic and geographic topics of interest. Working group outputs and advocacy drive GAAV’s communications. The Alliance also raises the visibility of AVRP initiatives taking place at local to global levels and promotes the work of leading practitioners. 

Members can contribute to GAAV’s communications through sharing their views via our AVR blog, or, news on initiatives and their work to reduce and prevent armed violence at local to global levels. Email:


GAAV working groups conduct advocacy in order to create enabling policy environments at global to national levels. For instance:
Additionally, through GAAV’s involvement in the Geneva Declaration (GD) Regional Review Conferences (RRCs), in 2014 GAAV will advocate to implement the commitments of the Geneva Declaration and other relevant instruments to reduce armed violence, as well as support for a post-2015 development agenda inclusive of GTIs to prevent and reduce armed violence.

Join GAAV’s working groups to support our advocacy.     Share your news or view on armed violence reduction!
To be published on the GAAV Blog email


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