Contact Information
To apply for membership, please fill out the form below. A small membership fee billable to your credit card of $25 will be made with the form below. We have a secure gateway setup so rest assured your information is safe. * Required Fields
Please include a list of member oraganisations in the box below if you are applying on behalf of a coalition, campaign, network, association or working group
If you selected "Other", please describe the type of institution whom you are applying in behalf of
If you are applying on behalf of a coalition, campaign, network or working group, please list the names of your members (e.g. organisations - not individuals), or provide a link to a webpage with list of members. For individual membership for members of coalitions, campaigns, networks or working groups a separate application must be submitted.
Headquarters Contact Information
If you do not have a mail address, please list the street address of your headquarters
if available
If your organisation/institution has a Twitter account, please list the handle here.
Main Contact Person
Please list work phone number
Please write email used for work here (preferably no private email addresses).
Alternate Contact Person
Please list work phone number.
General Information About the Applicant
Required for organisations. Only if applicable for other institutions, companies, etc.
Please tick the area(s) of work you want to actively participate in: Choose at least one area of work. You can choose several areas of work as long as they are relevant to your particular field of work and you have the capacity to contribute to all the areas you choose.
I have read the GAAV's mission, vision and objectives and agree with the Terms and Conditions